Friday, January 29, 2010

How Good is God?

Mi dios es muy grande. Here in the Amazon, God moves. The idea of God moving is nothing new. The Lord knows how much we, in North America, talk about it. But how often do we see it? Do we come into the house of God hungry? Do we expect to see great and mighty things? I believe we think we do and we are earnest in our thinking, but I don't believe we are as hungry as we think we are.

At this very moment, I sit in a church with a tin roof, a concrete floor and only two walls. With me sit about 300 women who have come from near and far expecting God to meet them here and to make a difference in their lives. These women are going to change this country. It makes me wonder how quickly we would see revival in our own nations if we truly came to God expectantly. I came here to minister and it never fails - I will leave here feeling like I've taken more than I've given.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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